A 360° Space for Oper Halle for the relaunch of the opera in Halle by new Intendant Florian Lutz. The Space was called HETEROTOPIA and several events took place: Wagners´ opera The Flying Dutchman, Jelineks´new play WUT, a ballett called GROOVIN BODIES, and a world premiere of an opera called SACRIFICE will take place there as well. The Audience was always within the space among the singers, dancers and actors.
Der fliegende Holländer
Wut by Elfriede Jelinek
Groovin´ Bodies Ballet by Ralf Rossa
SACRIFICE // März 2017 // Opera by Sarah Nemtsov
Director Florian Lutz
Henriette Hörnigk
Choreographer Ralf Rossa
Stage Sebastian Hannak
Costumes Mechthild Feuerstein
Claudia Charlotte Burchard
Video Konrad Kästner