My design for Bertolt Brechts drama about Galileo Galilei and his discovery of the heliocentric world model depicts the idea of the old, geocentric world model that was considered throughout medieval times: „crystal spheres“ that would sourround our world and hold the stars. I created a stark and rigid system of moving Frames within a Frame, that started like a huge wall, and which Frame by Frame could be moved like a telescope, but left limited Space for the Actors, just like Galileos insights were limited in percepition. Only at the very end of the drama the Space opens, revealing a whole new depth. Thus the Audience gets insight into new possibilities of seeing the world, as Galilei proved the old world model to be wrong.
Drama by Bertolt Brecht
Director Martin Nimz
Stage Sebastian Hannak
Costumes Jutta Kreischer
Video Thorsten Hallscheidt