a dance evening by Stijn Celis

State Theatre Saaarbrücken

Composition                                                                                              Martin Hennecke
Chorerography                                                                                                    Stijn Celis
Set and Visuals                                                                                        Sebastian Hannak
Costumes                                                                                                       Laura Theiss
Lighting                                                                                                             Olaf Lundt
Software Development                                                                                  Benjamin Wolff

In this experimental contemporary dance evening by Stijn Celis, a composition is generated from personal data- from the dancers in the first part, from the audience in the second. It is a great experiment that was created together with many contributors.
I created a modular space for this, which places the audience in the middle of the performance and thus enables an immediate proximity to the overall event, an intimate connection betweeen performers and spectators is created. The 7 musicians even change their position between the auditorium and the stage. Stijn Celis has created a very subtle yet vivid, energetic choreography absed on the Data and the individual dancers, with bold costumes by Laura Theiss. Composer Martin Hennecke has developed a software that generates music from the data sets with the help of artificial intelligence, and the dancers respond live to the music that is modified and varies each evening
During rehearsals I also made 3D scans of the dancers and point cloud scans of the rehearsals- these are animated and shown on the monitors and the large LED screen. It was an incredible experiment and open concept of which i am very happy.

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